Let’s take the first step together.

Who we are

We are a collection of people who believe deeply in two things: the power of community and the power of patterns. Our lives, relationships, and cultures are built on patterns. Without active effort, these patterns define us as clearly as constellations define the night sky (See the connection? We’re also punny people). Our organizational mission is to use our collective skills as therapists, facilitators, and educators to support, one relationship at a time, the creation of a world that is able to shine with the collective brilliance of all.

We use a person-centered approach in all of our work — we believe that you know your life better than anyone else ever could. We believe that our role is to be your collaborator, companion, and accomplice as you move from where you are to where you’d like to be.

But, mostly, we are excited to be a part of your journey as an individual, family, or organization.

Button to navigate to professional learning

What we do

Constellation Collective’s organizational mission is to use our collective skills as therapists, facilitators, and educators to support, one relationship at a time, the creation of a world that is able to shine with the collective brilliance of all. We do this work through:

  • Individual, group and family therapy

  • Clinical consultation and supervision for therapists

  • Professional learning opportunities in the form of workshops, cohort-style learning groups, and retreats for youth workers, educators, and helping professionals

Therapeutically, we approach each client differently, and pick our tools according to your needs and preferences. We are looking to help you find acceptance, success, meaning, and/or anything else on your terms, as you define it. We share a commitment to practicing in anti-oppressive, harm reductive, and relational ways, but each clinician has their own eclectic approach.

Our professional learning work is where we seek to collaborate with other professionals to make spaces more inclusive and affirming for marginalized groups, but especially LGBTQ+ young people. Our staff has deep knowledge of working with LGBTQ+ young people, programmatic strategy, and how to facilitate internal shifts in culture in sensitive and thoughtful ways.

Where you can find us

We are proud of the gravitational waves our Collective members have been creating since our launch last Summer:

Lizzy Appleby was featured at TedX Wilmette’s April showcase with her talk Say What’s True: Everyday Bravery Can Change the World.

Nat Duran was invited to contribute to Supporting LGBTQ+ Youth in Afterschool Programs and Opposing Anti-LGBTQ+ Attacks, a briefing paper that was a product of How Kids Learn Foundation and Temescal Associates. You can find Nat’s contributions throughout the above briefing paper, and in the subsequent blog posts that highlight some of their responses (linked here and here).

What people are saying

  • Workshop Participant

    “Constellation Collective provided a meaningful, well-organized, timely professional development opportunity. [The facilitator was] relatable and a strong presenter. The workshop was structured in a way that encouraged active participation and collaboration among participants. The take aways were relevant and student focused. I was also able to reflect on my practice and determine ways to improve during the workshop. Highly recommend this company … for your professional development needs.”

  • Susan Antonini, LCSW

    “Having … Constellation Collective work with us through professional development at New Trier High School was incredibly impactful. [The facilitator] created a safe space for learning--fostering empathy and understanding. As a social worker, I appreciated the opportunity to have authentic conversations with my colleagues about our school’s initiatives for inclusivity, and I left feeling empowered in new ways to address and support the minds, hearts, and lives of our trans community.”

  • Consulting Client

    Nat met with me to discuss how we could facilitate a process group for families [who participate in our program]. During our initial meeting, it was clear that Nat had the insight and expertise we needed to help make these groups a success! Nat was able to put words and structure to things we didn't even know we needed. They helped us see how these facilitated groups could function as they helped us align on our intentions, goals, and values. Most importantly, they helped us understand what we needed to do to create a safe and supportive space for the families we were working with.

  • Workshop Participant

    “Nat posed questions that encouraged staff to not only identify their own unconscious biases, but identified ways to grow in knowledge and practice to provide a safe and welcoming environment for all students, and thoughtfully engage students in conversation about their needs. Nat’s passion and compassion was evident throughout the presentation, and when they stayed after to engage with staff who wanted to continue to explore their practice.”

  • Workshop Participant

    “These conversations and trainings are saving lives. Thank you!”